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Sports Drink - When choosing a sports drink, let science guide you to the best formula to fit your sports performance needs. First, eliminate the low-calorie formulas. There isn’t enough scientific evidence to support the use of low-calorie formulas for improved athletic performance. - Niki Kubiak
Nitric Oxide - Recently, numerous weight loss and sports performance products have began to include nitric oxide in their ingredient listing. Nitric oxide is a metabolite of nitrate, and plays an important role in our cardiovascular health by helping to regulate vasodilation, or expansion, of blood vessels which helps control blood pressure. - Niki Kubiak
Fueling The Teen Athlete - Are teen athletes too active for their own good? Parents of overly active teens could waste hours worrying about the well being of their child. Instead, stop worrying and use that time to learn how to adequately fuel your teen athlete to meet the physical demands they face each day. - Niki Kubiak
Power Packed Protein - Pick your protein below and match it with a high-energy carb for a balanced snack that will keep you going. - Niki Kubiak