A Fresh Start for Your Family's Health

It is time to spring clean the house, and there is no better place to begin than in the kitchen. Now is the perfect time to clean out the pantry and throw out those unhealthy, processed foods. Start fresh this spring by committing to replace those items with natural fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to feel even more energized this season. Keep it simple by following these three ideas.

First, not all processed foods have to go, but look at where you can make upgrades in the products you normally buy. Instead of refined flour based snacks that leave you looking for more, choose whole grain products with few ingredients. Crackers like Triscuits® or Kashi® brands, granola with nuts and dried fruit, and pita or bean based chips would fit this category.

Next, pair those whole grain choices with fresh cut fruits and vegetables for an energy-loaded snack. People tend to eat the first foods they see, so store pre-cut vegetables in clear containers in the refrigerator at your child’s eye level. Also, keep those healthy pantry choices on lower shelves. Go a step further by placing a jar of hummus and a stack of cheese sticks next to the vegetables so kids can pick their own filling combinations. Keep small apples, oranges and bananas in a basket on the table and encourage your kids to help themselves when they are hungry. Making healthy food visible and easy for your kids to find will lead them towards better choices.

Finally, don’t forget the milk! Yogurt and milk have an important place in our diets, but can also be major contributors of sugar. Be very selective when purchasing Greek and regular yogurt. Look for brands that contain 10 grams of sugar or less per serving. Stick with white, low-fat milk most of the time to keep sugar intake down. Save low-fat, chocolate milk for tired, thirsty kids recovering after a hard session of play. Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, but is also very high in fat. Keep cheese to a one-ounce serving, once per day. Teach your kids to enjoy it by putting it alongside a handful of grapes or crunchy pretzels.

Getting away from processed foods and making more natural food choices lowers the amount of sugar and unhealthy fat your family consumes. This results in a family that is healthfully energized and more focused. If you are not ready to make a big change in your diet, choose just one of the suggestions above that sounds right for you and your family and put that change in place today. No matter what the season,
there is never a better time to start eating healthier than now.

Niki Kubiak, RD, CSSD is the Director of Nutrition and Health at
Infinite Sports World. She offers on-line health coaching for Sports Nutrition and weight loss at www.infinitesportsworld.com.