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1v1 Backpedal To 2 Goals

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1 v 1 Backpedal To 2 Goals

Field Set Up

1. 10 x 10 yd square
2. 2 players
3. 1 ball centrally located at 5 yds


1. Each player has a foot on the ball.
2. One player says go.
3. Both players backpedal to their end line.
4. Both players accelerate to win ball.
5. When ball is won player tries to dribble through either of their own two gates.
6. One point is awarded if attacker is successful.
7. 1st person to 5 points is winner.


1. Players can dribble through any of the four gates.
2. Side gates can be added.

Developmental Components:

1. Footwork.
2. Change of Direction.
3. Acceleration / Deceleration.
4. Shielding.
